Brookfield Place T2
A Woods Bagot project
Perth, Western Australia
Brookfield Properties
Brookfield Place T2.
Perth, Western Australia.
Designed from the inside out, Brookfield Place Tower 2 is a Premium Grade, next generation high performance workplace. The building carefully engages its public realm by defining a well proportioned city square with its northern facade and main foyer entrance. It spatially bridges level changes to the south with a multi level atrium and pedestrian connections to Mounts Bay Road and a transit hub of metro and bus stations via a purpose built pedestrian bridge. The use of super clear high performance glazing distinguishes the building on the city skyline and takes advantage of its commanding views overlooking the Swan River. A Woods Bagot Project.
![Brookfield-1637013861272-High Res 300 DPI-BFPL Perth Tower 2_External Facade_2019 (1)[33].](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/fdf11f_677548b2205643a1a59b7da105e65d5c~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_1450,h_967,q_90/fdf11f_677548b2205643a1a59b7da105e65d5c~mv2.jpg)
![Brookfield-1637014122457-High Res 300 DPI-BFPL Perth Tower 2_exterior dusk_2019[91].jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/fdf11f_89ac601ff88d464a8e24726e70c64d89~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_1450,h_967,q_90/fdf11f_89ac601ff88d464a8e24726e70c64d89~mv2.jpg)
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